Friday 25 March 2011

Section C, US Film comparative study.

Focus on
  •  Double Indemnity (1944).
  •  The last seduction (1993)
-Focus on the MACRO elements: Narrative / genre, character types, themes and issues.
-Context - Social, political and historical.

Conventions of film noir. 
  • Film noir deals with money, sex and murder.
  • Black and white, small budget, often produced by small companies.
  • Narrative: Often an innocent guy with a stable life (job, relationship) - something happens to get him caught up in a situation he has no control over 'WHY ME?' - gets caught with a 'femme fatal' who often uses men for sex and forces them to help her to kill. 
  • It's full of innuendo. 
  • Haze code (heavy censorship).
  • Strong female character - sexually confident, not afraid to kill.
  • Main protagonist is a man, innocent, empathy from the audience - film is told from protagonists POV.
  • Male gaze.
  • Femme fatal - long fingernails (which resemble claws), smokes, long hair and tight clothing.
  • Urban settings, shows places never seen before in film; hard, low key lighting.
  • Most important element of film noir is the strong / empowered women - (femme fatal).
  • Love takes the form of possession / obsession. 
  • Lighting techniques are used to alter psychological response. 
  • Foreground and background actors can't see each other, the foreground actor faces away from the background actor as they look at the back of the foreground actor's head.
  • Film noir is reality - filmed on location. 
  • Budget often determined the look of the film - used natural lighting. 
  • Contrast between black and white / good and evil. 
  • Cinematography - shows realism, hand held cameras make it seem more real - deep focus (being able to see the full environment) allowed scenes to be filmed without cutting. 
  • Settings - on location, urban areas.
  • Shows a dark side of America.
  • Deals with issues like Holocaust / nuclear. 
  • 1948 - 1959 was the film noir period. 
  • 70's / 80's - film noir re-interest - best example - the last seduction.
  • Love, violence and murder.
  • Mean streets (1973) - attempt of film noir but in colour.
  • Showing change in society - war, fear, return of men from the war - psychologically affected. 

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