Wednesday 9 March 2011

Producers and Audiences.

  • High concept films - Post generic (hybrid) -  a combination of two or more different genres.
  • Back in the 40's / 50's / 60's Hollywood movie making had pure genres e.g. gangstar. 
  • British films, as a rule are not 'high concept'.
  • Summary of post generic - hybrid genres - romance for girls - action for boys - generally one storyline.
  • Extended montages - described like pop videos.
  • All high concept films have soundtrack albums released as a marketing technique. 
  • 1910 - the star was born. 
  • A name on an advert make people view the film.
  • Stars are mainly based on looks.
  • Aspiration is key.
  • Recent stars don't like to be classed as 'celebrities.'
  • Stars are people who are limited to one genre - there's a difference between actors and stars - actor's aren't tight-casted.
  • In the olden days - stars were taught how to act.
  • People become stars because they're 'different'.
  • Hollywood invented the star.
  • The star is very important today.
  • They have a lot more power than they used to contrasted to the 'golden era'.
  • Financially stars do very well. 
  • BUT they have limited choices within their film roles.
  • Stars MUST be individual, have something about them that makes them stand out.
  • Perfection is key for stars in terms of appearance.
  • Stars in the past - most of them had jewish origins.
  • Stars set an example to the public, generally the most popular stars have the 'ideal' appearance - people aspire to look like them. 
  • Stars are 'tested' in different roles to see which they were most successful at.
  • Screen persona is important.
  • Nowadays the public want to know everything about the star.
  • Their private lives were fake - just another role.
  • They are forced to make a lot more sacrifices - e.g. leaving the family behind to travel abroad.
  • Stars make the decisions not the companies.
  • They are heavily involved in the production of the film.
  • There careers can end quickly if: - they change their appearance dramatically. - they're a one hit wonder. - Immoral actions.
In summary -
- Key elements to a star is finding the right screen persona.
-Development and promotion of star image - creating the star.
-Have to develop the star - change personal image with the development of time.
-Keep going with work - keep yourself in the limelight.

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