Wednesday 9 March 2011

-No respect for women,refers to her as 'it'.
-Men are insulting towards men.
-'She's a standby and she knows it and any bird who knows their place can be quite content.'
-Married women appears 'loose' and 'easy' -shows sexual revolution.
-London looked very traditional (big, red busses; postboxes etc.
-Reinforces expected gender roles.
-Male dominance.
-Class - Lower class can't look after their children as well as rich people can. 
-Everyone for themselves attitude.
-Ideas of commitment,marriage and romance is made fun of if represented by men.
-Promotes a negative representation of women - just as sexual objects.
-Men show a lack of commitment in relationships.
-Women are portrayed as wanting love in a relationship compared to men who just want fun with no commitments.
-Doesn't care about boundaries.
-Characters are frank about sex - it signaled the beginning of the sexual revolution.
-Doesn't take life too seriously.
-Men have the same, swept to the side hairstyle.
-Dress conservatively.
-Married women weren't off limits.
-Persuasive tone.
-Addresses women as 'girl' - not respectful enough to use their names.
-Not keen on settling down.
-Unwanted pregnancy-common.
-Abortion is shown to be immoral. 
-Men are demanding and assert their authority.
-Imply that women are dumb and easy.
-Refer to women as 'it'- no respect.
-Insults women.
-'Women know their place'
- Recommend stealing.

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