Wednesday 9 March 2011


Editing creates emotion within the audience.

  • Intercutting - Bringing two shots together that aren't related - e.g. fire brigade and place of fire.
  • Linear editing-  Where a film starts at the beginning and has a clear middle and end. 
  • Non-linear editing - A film that doesn't start at the beginning.
-Establishing shot - put in to set the scene.
-Eyeline match - when the setting is established and the characters eyes meet the camera.
-Match on action - editing shots of the same action to gain suspense.
-Cross cutting - Two scenes of action - cutting between them.
-Elliptical editing - Editing out the boring bits and just keeping main points.
-Montage editing - Showing the development over time or editing shots together that wouldn't have an impact individually but work well together.
-Shot reverse shot - Cutting backwards and forwards between two characters to add focus.

Styles -
  • Straight cut.
  • Jump cut (interrupting an action)
  • Dissolve in / out.
  • Graphic match cut - one image dissolving into another that are related which are cut and matched together.
  • Sound can set the right atmosphere, mood, time and place. It can develop the story and inform us about the characters.
  • There are two types of sound:
  • Diegetic- sounds that characters can hear within the film.
  • Non-diegetic - sounds that characters don't hear e.g. voice over.
  • Sound track has many features:
  • Dialogue.
  • Sound effects from within the film created by foley artists.
  • Music.

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