Wednesday 9 March 2011

What is a british film?
- Set in the past.
-Low budget.
-Music over footage doesn't extend narrative.
-Lack of special effects.
-No 'stars'
-Very character based.
-More complex narrative.
-British funding.
-British actors.
-Represents aspects of Britain / multi-cultural society.
-Humour / Irony. 
-Relatively dark.
-Normally based on events/ books.
-Historic / periodic films.
-Story has to be to do with Britain.
-Has to look British (setting)
-Britich director / screenwriter.

What are the problems that the British film industry has?
-Stuck on a relatively low budget.
-Lack of famous actors to promote films.
-Promotion isn't a strong point of the British film industry.
-Often boring settings.

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