Tuesday 8 March 2011

Film Language -Kramer vs Kramer.

Men and womens traits and values are expressed well in this film.

Ted Kramer is portrayed as being/having:
-Poor time management.
-Dismissive of his wife and family. 
-Believes he's most important.
-Blames other people for things.
-Finds it hard without Joanna.
-Too committed to his work. 
-Confident, slightly arrogant (through his body language and facial expressions.
-Mainly seen in work environment.
-Has an affectionate side towards Billy. (body language)
-Works in advertising, does well in life.
-Fairly successful - costume, props and setting.
-At times, camera shots portray his loneliness.
-His sadness is portrayed through anger.

-Stands up for what she believes in.  
-Confused about her feelings but not scared to show her true emotions.
-Walked out on her son.
-Low self esteem. (shown through body language and facial expression)
-Conservative,dull person shown through costume, make-up and hairstyle.
-Quite successful.

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