Wednesday 9 March 2011

Cinematography Continued..

-Camera movements - convey identity and place.
  • Pan - moving right to left steadily showing surroundings.
  • Tilt - movement of the camera from top to bottom (vertically.)
  • Hand held camera - camera is much more fluid, no fixed means of support. 
  • Tracking shot - horizontal movement of the camera usually on a 'dolly' on tracks.
  • Crane shot - Camera can be raised / lowered - zoom in and out on a crane.
-Camera angles - conveys power. 
  • High - conveys vulnerability
  • Medium - conveys everyday life.
  • Low - conveys power / authority.

    -Camera focus - conveys atmosphere.
    -soft focus - not well defined, gives a sense of romance / unconsciousness.
    -Hard focus - really well defined, gives a feeling of seriousness.

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