Tuesday 8 March 2011

Figure Expression.

Movement of the body and facial expression.

The shining. 
  • Woman (Wendy) is very emotional and on edge, heavy breathing and running away, wide watery eyes, shows she's scared.
  • Man (Mr Torrents) is wary about entering rooms, moves slowly and cautiously looks around the corner - two personalities, emotionless, empty, lethargic, heavy looks mentally and physically exhausted. He becomes more animated, his body language and figure expression show his mental state.
Casino. - Robert De Niro's Character.
  • Stands as if he has authority. 
  • Maintains an emotionless expression on his face so others can't read him. 
  • Runs a casino. 
  • He's persuasive.
  • Has a trustworthy tone of voice.
  • Smokes in every scene, shows he has money.
  • Maintains eye contact - intimidating.
  • Thinks about his response to situations - constantly has a 'thinking' face contemplating his next move.

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