Tuesday 8 March 2011


High key lighting - Very brightly lit, everything is clear.
Low key lighting - Small amount of light, not everything is clear.
Hard lighting - Focused on a certain thing that casts a define shadow.
Soft lighting - Shadow casts but not so well defined.

Lighting effects.
Frontal lighting - flat, not very well defined.
Side lighting - casts shadow over half a person / object = sculpts the object.
Back lighting - Can't see features but have clearly defined outline.
Under lighting - Features appear bigger - things appear more sinister.
Top lighting -  Sculpting the object, casts shadows, creates a good effect.

The letter - starring Bette Davis.
  • After the shooting under lighting was used on the shooter to make her seem more sinister and when it zoomed in on her face the lighting changed to top lighting which cast a shadow over half of her face suggesting that she's unpredictable with her motives.
  • When alerting the police about the shooting the police officers face is well defined because under lighting was being used - this is effective because it shows his response much clearer.
  • Low key, hard lighting was used during the murder scene  - the moon goes behind the cloud and them comes back out which brings focus on the characters.

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