Tuesday 8 March 2011

Costume, make up and hairstyle.

Annie Wilks - Misery.
  • Very practical, does everything for herself.
  • Follows a simple life - shown through make up and costume.
  • She's a moral, religious person.
  • Traditional.
  • Her hair is away from her face, suggests she's organised.
  • Boring hairstyle.
  • Wears dull coloured clothing.
  • Obsessive.
  • Possessive, controlling.
  • Hardly any make up suggests she doesn't care for her appearance or wants to be noticed.
  • She dresses quite old fashioned and concealed which suggests she's not an open person / conservative.
  • She's a nurse.
  • Believes in God (wears a cross necklace)
  • She's reassuring.
  • The way she's dressed reflects her lifestyle.
  • Not very confident, has low self esteem.
  • Little social interaction.
  • She's not sophisticated.
  • Urban and rural clash between her and Paul Sheldon (the writer.)
  • Isn't vain.
  • bright coloured hair and make up - wearing red necklace and earrings to match her lipstick.
  • Wears a black dress to contrast the red.
  • Has a tattoo on her arm -  this shows that she's adventurous.
  • Wears dull coloured clothes in public do she doesn't get noticed but when at work she wears bright colours to get noticed and attract attention of 'clients'.
  • Confident on the outside but vulnerable on the inside.
  • Wears revealing clothes.
  • Quite feminine.
  • Her clothes reflect that she isn't very wealthy.
  • Has a bubbly personality / is optimistic.
  • Where the film was set, people with tattoos were seen as criminals.
  • Loose morals / easy going.
  • Represents the new generation.

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