Tuesday 8 March 2011

Alfred Hitchcock's 'Strangers on a train'

1st film ever made that dealt with stalking - made in the 1950's.

Use mise-en-scene to identify the characters Bruno and Guy.
  • Two main characters are both wearing suits which shows they're wealthy.
  • Guy's wife wears a traditional dress, shows she's not well off.
  • Bruno has his name embroided on his tie.
Figure / facial expression.
  • Bruno gives direct eye contact when talking, creates a sincere message.
  • Guy feels uncomfortable talking to his wife, he stands quite far away from her.
  • Guy's response to being told about his wife's murder - he put on a shocked expression even though he already knew.
  • Frontal lighting is used - it's quite flat, low key soft lighting which gives the scene an everyday life feel.

  • Sat on a busy train got their own private seating area which shows wealth.
  • Alcohol and food, condiments etc well furnished objects, again shows wealth.
  • Cigarette lighter - used to implement Guy in the murder.
- The film is about two guys who meet in a train 'Guy and Bruno' who plot to murder each-others 'inconveniences' - After Guy's wife was murdered by Bruno, Bruno expects Guy to kill his father in return for his 'favour' but Guy refuses.

  • Costume - Smart, formal, personalised . tie, hat-  conceal identity. 
  • His tie outlines his connection with his mum. 
  • Facial expression: happy, over the top, angry, conceals his emotions.
  • Lighting - Dark and mysterious.
  • Props - Lighter, hat, glasses.
  • Balcony shows that he has no boundaries.
  • Hammer - Shows his strength.
  • Music - fast paced - tennis.
  • Costume - formal, smart, blends in, plain, suit - expresses his individualism.  
  • Simplistic, plain shoes.
  • Facial expression - quite serious, worried, always alert.
  • Lighting - Natural, symbolises normal life.
  • Props = Lighter - his job. 
  • Gun - pulls in and out of pocket , contrast between good and evil.

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