Wednesday 6 April 2011


2 Films  - Double Indemnity
               The last seduction
  • Film noir and new neo-noir.
  • Focus areas  - macro elements, last seduction (the lead film in your essay)
                               - Femme fatales (key elements in your film essay)

                          Note: All of these areas should 'drive' your essay forward in the exam.

  • Both Phyllis and Bridget are femme fatale characters within both film narratives.
  • Both these characters are strong, sexually confident women.
  • The use of mise-en-scene in particular is used to emphasise this type of character - tight clothing, high heels, make-up, long hair, long finger nails are the main visual codes for this character type.
  • Note that Bridget is a far more stronger, dangerous and seductive 'femme fatale' than Phyllis.
  • Bridget is a representation of the way in which women had become stronger (1990s).
  • NO HAY'S CODE - The last seduction is more explicit.
  • Both women are representations of strong women seen in western society during the 20th century but at a given time - both are challenging existing ideas about gender roles in relation to women unlike Phyllis who represents a new type of woman that emerged during and after world war 2.
  • Bridget repersents a strong post-feminist type of woman that emerged during the 1980s and 1990's - one who is very strong almost masculine in their character traits and values.
  • Both of these women go against traditional values of love and monogamy.
  • Bridget leaves her husband unlike Phyllis who because of the time did not have that option - both of these women enjoy sex not love.
  • Both of these women are very much against family life as seen when Bridget puts out her 'cig' in the homemade apple pie from Mike's granny.
  • They also seem to be in conflict and feel trapped in suburban, middle class America.
  • Bridget in particular seems to 'mock' this type of lifestyle which exists in Beston.
  • In one scene she takes refuge in her jeep (to hide from the overly optimistic surroudings).
  • Within the narrative both women are motivated by three main themes in this genre - sex / lust , murder and money  !!
  • One big difference between the narratives is that Bridget gets away with her crime - however Phyllis does not and has to pay for her crime. (note - the hay's code would not have allowed Phyllis to get away with her crime.
  • In terms of male characters - Mike represents a post-modern man in terms of wanting love and a relationship - he challenges stereotypes.
  • Men are seen as weak often in these films and are usually passive as opposed to being active.
  • These films allow for a strong female protagonist which is a role still rare in Hollywood.

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