Monday 11 April 2011

Characters / actors and directors of the focus films for the exam.

Directed by - Guy Hamilton.

Characters / actors.
Sean Connery Sean Connery ...
Honor Blackman Honor Blackman ...
Gert Fröbe Gert Fröbe ...
Auric Goldfinger (as Gert Frobe)
Shirley Eaton Shirley Eaton ...
Tania Mallet Tania Mallet ...
Harold Sakata Harold Sakata ...
Oddjob (as Harold Sakata 'Tosh Togo')
Bernard Lee Bernard Lee ...
Martin Benson Martin Benson ...
Cec Linder Cec Linder ...
Austin Willis Austin Willis ...
Lois Maxwell Lois Maxwell ...
Bill Nagy Bill Nagy ...
Michael Mellinger Michael Mellinger ...
Peter Cranwell Peter Cranwell ...
Nadja Regin Nadja Regin ...

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