Wednesday 14 September 2011

Film coursework - if focus is on representation of women over time in romantic comedies.

Using a film from the 60's, 90's, and present day.

60's - I think Alfie (1966) is a good focus film because it represents a time when men were superior and women were only there for the benefit of the man. It shows the emergence of the sexual revolution which also represents the beginning of change for the representation of women when they became more liberated. Genre - Romantic comedy.

90's - I think Four Weddings and a funeral (1994) is a good focus film because it shows that at this time, getting married was still quite key in society, in comparison with films from the present day.. it shows the shift between morals in society. It also shows women giving men advice - a gender role swap? Men being somewhat dependant on women?
Genre - Romantic comedy.

Present day:  Maybe The Ugly Truth (2009) -Romantic comedy - I think it would be a good focus film because it represents how women are individual, opinionated and liberated although the main protagonist played by Katherine Heigl asks the advice of a man on her love life- which shows that although women are now liberated and individual, they still seek the advice and approval of men.

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