Friday 30 September 2011

Fahrenheit 9/11 - Directed by Michael Moore.

  • Rhetorical questions to provoke thought.
  • Voice over narration.
  • "You can usually tell by the colour of their skin" - racist?
  • Hand held cameras.
  • Moore expresses and forces his own strong opinions upon us.
  • Discrimination against African Americans.
  • Live footage emphasises realism.
  • Fast paced camera work past the riot crowds show negligence of opinion.
  • Unsteady camera - reality.
  • Michael Moore has a trustworthy, persuasive tone.
  • Flooded with so many facts that lies or opinions could be believed by the audience.
  • Destruction, panic = sympathy = grips the audience.
  • Moore makes Bush look useless.
  • Movie examples to support view. 
  • Very emotive.
  • Reinforces repeated patterns used by the gouvernment to cover their tracks.
  • Repetition of 'why'. 
  • Music used overdramatises the content.
  • Subtitles that claim that the gouvernment are telling lies.
  • Subtle humour. 
  • Shocking real life footage.
  • Factual.
  • Contradictive information, makes the audience wonder what the truth is?
  • Inserted clips of people's opinions.
  • Slightly informal, quite colloquial in places - 'stuff' 'I suppose'.
  • Uses a lot of adverbs of manner -to describe how things happened.
  • Repetition of 'bias'.
  • "One story that wasn't being covered is the story of the soldiers who lost their lives." - emotive, shows biased view - people were just dismissed.
  • Mass destruction - panic.
  • Bush = all mouth, no action --> He says 'bring it on' -when things happen, he sits back.
  • "Officials say..." - Trustworthy.
  • Army was the only option.
  • "Abandonned"
  • "Underdog"
  • Emphasis on importance of the military.
  • Linear narrative.
  • Theme of violence, "each household is entitled to have weapons."
  • Heavily based on politics.
  • "You cannot kill someone without killing a part of yourself."
  • "Grief" - "Forgotten" - "Why?".
  • "Will they ever trust again?"
  • Profits come before wellbeing.
  • Vast age groups giving their opinions = morals / values.
  • Gouvernement are insensitive.
    Personal response:
    I thought that it was interesting because it was really factual and taught me stuff that I didn't know- I was shocked at the gouvernments attempts to cover up their connections with Saudi Arabia and how they took a back seat and were really ignorant - particularly to the soldiers and their families; The gouvernment care about maximizing their profits instead of the wellbeing of their community. -- SHOCKING.

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