Friday 23 September 2011

E. Ann Kaplan -Women & Film : relevant quotes:

'Patriarchy is viewed as dominating and repressing women through its controlling power over female discourse and female desire... the male gaze is defining and dominating women as an erotic object... place as a mother.'    

'The representation changes superficially in accord with current styles and fashions- but scratch the surface and one finds a familiar pattern.'

'Earlier decades reflect a period rigidly circumscribed by sexual and political ideologies.'

'In the 1950's, the fear of female sexuality seems to be repressed-hence it overflows everywhere'

'Lessening the threat that women's sexuality holds in patriarchy.' 

'Contemporary film has gone even further than the noir film in the open representation of female sexuality.'

'The various 1960's movements produced radical cultural changes resulting in a loosening of  rigid, puritanical codes, and the women's movement encouraged women to take possession of their own sexuality, gay or straight.' 

'The post-1960's era: the sexual woman could no longer be designated ''evil'' since women have won the right to be ''good''. 

'The contemporary liberated women is looking to satisfy herself.' (not reliant on men.)

'Women are ultimately refused a voice.. subjected to male desire.'

(up to page 9, line 13.) 

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