Tuesday 27 December 2011

Breakfast at Tiffiiny's -Research :)

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breakfast_at_Tiffany's_(film)
  • Made in 1961.
  • Romantic comedy.
  • Directed by Blake Edwards.
  • Audrey Hepburn's character is presented as being naïve and eccentric. 
  • Based on a book of the same name.
  • Released on 5th October 1961.
  • Budget: $2.5 Million.
  • Box office: $14,000,000


    -Taxi pulls up outside Tiffiny and Co.

    -Holly Golightly played by Audrey Hepburn emerges.

    -She goes home and fends of her date from the disastrous night before. (he'd been waiting in the car outside her apartment all night.)

    -The following day she is woken by her new neighbour 'Paul Varjak'; ringing the doorbell.
    -They chat as she gets dressed to leave for her weekly visit to Sally Tomato; a mobster who's in prison.

    -She's paid to pass on coded messages for his drug ring but plays dumb during visits.

    -As she leaves her apartment, she meets Paul's 'decorator'; a wealthy woman - Emily Eustace Failenson.

    -Holly goes out onto the fire escape that night to escape an O.T.T date.

    -She goes into Paul's apartment, where she see's Emily kissing him and handing over cash.

    -After Emily left, Holly went in and found out that Paul is a writer who hasn't had anything published for a while.

    -Holly explains to him that she is trying to save money to support her brother Fred, for when he gets out of the army.

    -They both fall asleep on the sofa but are awoken when Holly has a bad dream about her brother and leaves.

    -She later buys Paul a new typewriter ribbon to apologise & invites him to her house party.

    -At the party, Paul meets her Hollywood agent O.J. Berman, who describes Holly's transformation from country girl into Manhattan socialite.

    - He is also introduced to José da Silva Pereira, a rich Brazilian and Rusty Trawler, a rich American.

    -In subsequent days, Paul and Holly grow closer.

    -One day, Emily walks into Paul's apartment, thinking that she's being followed.

    -Paul tells her that he'll investigate and confronts the man who says he's Holly's husband, Doc.

    - Doc explains that Holly's real name is Lula Mae Barnes, whom he married when she was 14, and that he would like to take her back to Texas.

    - After Paul reunites Holly and Doc, she tells Paul the marriage was annulled and asks him to accompany her and Doc to the bus station.

    -There, she tells Doc that she's not going with him - Doc says that he won't support her brother if she doesn't go with him, she still refuses. She tells him that her brother Fred will live with her in New York.

    -Doc leaves brokenhearted.

    -After drinking in a club, Paul and Holly return to her apartment, where she drunkenly tells him that she plans to marry Rusty Trawler for his money.

    - A few days later, Paul learns that one of his short stories has been accepted for publication.

    - On the way to tell Holly, he sees the newspaper at her door, its headline stating that Trawler has married someone else.

    - Holly and Paul agree to spend the day together, taking turns doing things that each has never done before.

    - At Tiffany's, Paul has the ring from Doc Golightly's box of Cracker Jack engraved as a present for Holly.

    - After spending the night together, he awakens to find that she has returned to her apartment. Soon afterwards, Paul ends his relationship with Emily.

    - Holly schemes to marry José for his money, which angers Paul who has firmly decided on his love for her.

    - After Holly and José return to her apartment to find a telegram notifying her of Fred's death, she trashes her apartment in grief, her behavior disturbing José. Months later, Paul has moved out of the building.

    - He is invited to dinner by Holly, who is leaving the next morning for Brazil. However, they are soon arrested by police in connection with Sally's drug ring and taken to the 19th precinct.

    - Yunioshi re-introduced the unmentioned theme from the Capote novel and insinuated that they are smoking narcotics when they were arrested.

    -Holly spends the night in lock-up.

    - The next morning, Holly is released on bail with help from O.J. and finds Paul waiting in a taxi for her outside.

    - He has her cat and a letter from José explaining he must end their relationship due to her arrest.

    - Holly insists she will go to Brazil anyway and releases the cat from the taxi into the rain.

    - Paul confronts Holly about her behavior and leaves the cab, tossing the ring he had engraved for her into her lap and telling her to examine her life.

    - She quickly runs after him and together they find the cat, look into each other's eyes and embrace.

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