Wednesday 28 December 2011

Breakfast at Tiffany's - Personal Notes

  • Arrives in New York in a yellow taxi.  = Traveller?
  • Elegantly dressed, black gown & gloves.
  • Sunglasses = Mysterious?
  • Big dreams = Tiffany's.
  • Individual but lonely; as shown by the opening scene when she's walking down NY highstreet.
  • She's observant, never misses a thing.
  • Visits a mobster in Sing Sing prison >Sally Tomato. > She carries coded messages.
  • She's inquisitive. 
  • Likes diamonds > idea of perfection.
  • Reading about South America being a rich continent. 
  • All women in the film are dressed elegantly and glamorously.
  • Ends with Holly and Paul kissing in the rain.

    Why Holly Golightly is different.
  • She keeps her slippers in the fridge.
  • Runs to avoid her dates from nights before.
  • She uses charm and suggestion to get her own way. 
  • Has a cat that she refuses to name because she doesn't feel it belongs to her.
  • She sleeps nude.
  • Keeps her phone in a suitcase to muffle the noise.
  • Really disorganised > unconventional for a woman.
  • Whistles like a man for a cab in the street.
  • Waters plants with alcohol.
  • She cares immensely for her brother, Fred.
  • Doesn't save money well.
  • Has nightmares about her brother Fred, who is in the army.
  • Smokes.
  • Party animal.
  • Gets arrested by the police.
  • She calls her neighbour Paul, 'Fred'. < shows her attachment to her brother and how much she longs to see him.
  • She's frequently drunk.
  • She marries people for their money.
  • Drinks champagne.
  • Thrives to do things that she's never done before. 
  • She's shy to commitment.
  • Devastated at the loss of her brother, she trashes her apartment. 
  • After the death of her brother, she took up knitting and dresses casually > no glam.
  • Recognises belonging and love at the end > Searches for 'cat' who she chucked out of the taxi and threw on the street.
  • Ultimate realisation of love.

  • " I hate snoops."
  • "She's got a lot of style and class."
  • "I need money and I'll do anything to get it."
  • "I think it would be tacky to wear diamonds before I'm 40."
  • "C'mon don't be a chicken" < encouraging Paul to steal.
  • "She's a phoney, a real phoney!"
  • "People don't belong to people, I don't wanna be locked in a cage!"
  • " I've got to do something about the way I look. I mean a girl just can't go to Sing Sing with a green face."
  • "I'm like cat here, a no-name slob. We belong to nobody, and nobody belongs to us. We don't even belong to each other."

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