Tuesday 17 May 2011

The WJEC AS Film exam was yesterday. 16th May 2011

It went okay....

For section A, I chose the second question which was: 'Neither producers nor audiences need the star anymore' How far do you agree with this statement?

I wrote about:
  • The impact of CGI,
  • The fact that most of the best films of 2009 were animated.
  • Stars are dropped if a film 'flops'.
  • There are now talentless hopefuls in Hollywood. 
  • The fact that an unknown Australian actor was used for the main protagonist in Avatar.
For Section B, Swinging Britain, I chose the question 'How is the theme of rebellion represented in your chosen films?'

I wrote about:
  •   How rebellion was represented in all 3 films - Alfie, Goldfinger and A hard day's night.
  • It was mainly shown through conflict.
  • Conflict between good and evil (Goldfinger)
  • Generational conflict (Alfie and A hard days' night) 
  • Rebellion was portrayed more explicitly in Alfie and Goldfinger than A hard day's night because the purpose of the Beatles film was solely to promote the group and they didn't want to alienate their audience by presenting an overly rebellious group of people.
For Section C, American films comparative study, I chose the question 'Compare the way in which the messages and values were represented at the end of your chosen films.'

I wrote about:
  •   How the ending of The Last Seduction was more explicit than Double indemnity due to the absence of the Hay's Code.
  • The basic narrative in order to give a little background information.
 -Can't remember what else ;)