Sunday 19 December 2010


The parent trap
Even though it was made in 1998, I still think it's a great film - after re-watching it today, I thought I should just add some comments about it.
-So, I thought the way it was put together, considering the technology in the 90's wasn't as amazing as it is now, was great - how they managed to get both of the sisters in the same shot at the same time (both played by Lindsay Lohan) was amazing - It left me wondering how they did it to be honest, my guess is that they filmed the shots separately then combined them in editing, but still, it was done very well and the movie flowed brilliantly.

Also, today I watched Aliens in the attic. The little baby alien was so cute! ^^
I also thought that it was weird that the film actually appeals to a larger audience than just children, as I would've expected by the graphic and cartoon feel there is in this film, but my whole family enjoyed it, particularly when the aliens controlled the mind and actions of the adult (humans) and were making them do unforeseen things! :)

Over the Christmas holidays, I plan to watch many films, among the amount of DVD's that I will be receiving for Christmas, I also have some French DVD's on my list - for two reasons.. 1 - so I can experience a film that is made in a different country ie not a British or American film ; and 2 - to help with my French studies!